MAY 13th – 19th, 2019

Your company or organisation is invited to mark Learning at Work Week 2019 which takes place from 13th to 19th May.
Organisations across the country mark Learning at Work Week with creative, vibrant and engaging campaigns and activities that inspire colleagues to learn through life and promote learning cultures at work.
The national theme for Learning at Work Week 2019 is ‘Shaping the Future’. From May 2019, the Campaign for Learning will provide resources, activity ideas, promotional materials and workshops to help you design a brilliant Learning at Work Week and bring the theme to life.
The Learning at Work Week team can also help with specific questions. Email on info@bloomlearningtechnologies.co.nz
Join us at our very own events.

As part of learning tech at work week, we want everyone to share their best tools, technology, ideas, websites, apps and more. This will be gamified and the best contribution will win a VR headset worth $200

Step 1: Download the Go Learn App
Step 2 : Enter the following URL:
Step 3: Click Proceed to login page
Step 4: Register your details
Step 5: Check your inbox and confirm your registration
Step 6: Start sharing!
Step 1 : Click on the following link:
Step 2: Click on ‘Register’ and enter your details.
Step 3: Check your inbox and confirm your registration.
Start sharing!