20 MARCH 2019

Founder and Director of Bloom
Happy – official music video
It wasn’t until my husband had a panic attack in Auckland in January 2019 thinking he was having a heart attack and going to die, that I understood what a huge problem not only New Zealand but the world has with Anxiety- the most common form of mental illness. With tough minded west coast genetics, it wasn’t til I started talking , I realised almost everyone I spoke to either suffered from it, or knew someone very close who did.
Why then do we not talk about it? It is debilitating, affects wellbeing at work, productivity, families, relationships, health and so much more. New Zealand’s youth suicide rate is the worst in the OECD countries. That is shameful. 14,000,000 people are on medication for it in the USA. What is happening to humanity?
So the Bloom team have decided to use their skills, talents and connections to make a difference to those suffering with Anxiety by coordinating a competition for Learning Designers globally to co-create elearning modules that will improve wellness at work, supporting those learning teams who want to support those affected at work. The winner will provide their module at no cost to any organisation or individual who wants it. In fact after April 31st, the module can be taken right here at the bottom of the page. Join us on World Happiness Day 20 March to celebrate being happy, as well as the launch of the competition.

Enter the ‘5 ways to wellbeing at work’ elearning module competition and be in to win $1000USD with possible ongoing passive income. Because we are giving the winning module away free to over 50 organisations, your impact and reach will be wide. Who knows, you may save lives! And, if you are good, we might even employ you! Make sure you read the terms and conditions before entering. You must use content from the Mental Health Foundations ‘Five ways to wellness at work’ toolkit.

So you are responsible for training wellbeing at work and you know most elearning suppliers will charge between $15,000 – $30,000 per module. Submit your details here and when we have a winner(s) for the learning module competition, we will send you the SCORM file. For Free. Save your self thousands. (Winner announced on World Day for Safety and Health at Work on 28 April)
The most common of all mental disorders, currently affects about 1 in 13 people;
7.3 % globally