Embrace Intelligent Learning
AI-powered technology augments the learner experience by delivering the highest level of personalization (content curation and aggregation tools) while automating menial, time-consuming tasks for L&D administrators.

Learn (LMS)
Learn (LMS) powers your onboarding efforts and ignites employee growth through formal learning. With Learn, you have the ability to centralize and organize courses, distribute and manage online and instructor-led courses, track certifications and measure results with dashboards and custom analytics. Learn is powered by AI, automatically tagging your content and making it easier to find.

Coach & Share (Social Learning)
Enable learning within the flow of work and capture user-generated knowledge to share across the organization, while creating a culture that rewards top contributors. When a learning asset is shared, AI automatically produces a list of employees who have shown an interest in similar content to produce deeper learning experiences.

Perform (Skills Management)
Now it’s time to close the loop. Perform allows you to assess employee skill levels, identify gaps and close them. By addressing any skills gaps within your organization, you’re able to focus your learning programs to ensure they react the current and future needs of your business.

Extended Enterprise
Enable learning outside the four walls of the organization and achieve external training goals. Keep partners engaged and aligned with your brand, products and services; boost customer adoption and renewal of your products, and increase the value of membership programs by providing continuous learning opportunities and certification programs powered by artificial intelligence.